The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank

Our Research
The bank provides tissue for research programmes such as the pattern of cell death and chemical changes in Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Epilepsy and Motor Neurone Disease and others.

Our People
Founded and directed by Sir Richard Faull, The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank team are a group of neuroscientists committed to the sensitive collection of tissue and advancing research in the field of brain degeneration and disease.

The Process for Donating Your Brain
We developed a donor package in collaboration with the families who were already helping us. Running a brain bank is challenging, particularly when it comes to collecting donated brains. The brains are obtained as soon after death as possible, normally within 2-24 hours.

Requesting Tissue for Research
The types of tissue that may be available are fresh tissue, formalin fixed tissue and formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue. For all tissue types we will discuss with you whether the tissue is best sent to you on slides, in tubes or as some other preparation.

Our Purpose
The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank
The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank endeavours to push the frontiers of what is possible with the generous brain donations they receive. This work includes culturing cells from then brain, performing pharmacological assays, genome sequencing and protein analysis studies. Furthermore what sets the brain bank apart is working closely with families and clinicians to gather an understanding of the clinical and personal background of the donor.
Frequently Asked Questions about Donating My Brain to Science
Finding answers is critical. Research to find the causes and potential cures for brain disease is our hope for a better future.
Tuku iho, he tapu te upoko
Why donating your brain to research in important

The Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank has the enthusiastic support of many community organisations: Alzheimer’s Auckland, Alzheimer’s New Zealand, Epilepsy NZ, Huntington’s Disease Associations of New Zealand, Motor Neurone Disease Association NZ, Parkinson’s New Zealand and Supporting Families NZ (formerly Schizophrenia Fellowship NZ).
This unique resource is only possible thanks to the continued support of the Neurological Foundation of New Zealand. This national charity tirelessly fundraises to support research into brain diseases. The Foundation has generously supported the Human Brain Bank since 1993.
This Research project has been approved by the HEALTH & DISABILITY ETHICS COMMITTEE (HDEC) Ref. 14/NTA/208, and will be next reviewed on 25 November 2024.
Contact Us
For emergencies call 111 or visit your nearest hospital
For general inquiries:
+64 9 923 6072 – Mrs Marika Eszes, Brain Bank Manager
At time of death:
+64 21 287 8476 – Professor Maurice Curtis, Co-Director